IDBE Tools 2010 questions & answers

It is a set of tools for the Visual Basic Editor in MS Access/ Excel/ Word
Question by Don
August 16, 2017

I recently updated to Access 2016, and have discovered that the SQL to VBA String Builder is not working. I love this little utility, and would sure like to be able to continue using it.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

According to the data found on the official website, the current version of IDBE Tools 2010 and probably the last is 1.13.03 (06.20.2010). As you can see, the software hasn't been updated since 2010 which is a major flaw given the security updates nowadays and new technologies.

You are welcome to visit the official website to obtain information about it, but I would suggest contacting the developers to send them an email regarding the updates for this app.

Question by David Harris
August 28, 2015

I've installed the Addin. I can see a menu bar item that says "Options". I can access that screen. However, I can't get to the Builder screen for the Msgbox, or other items. How do you get to the actual screens?

Answer by Sean Hill

I have checked the official page of the software and the MsgBox Builder is listed as being available which means this is either an issue or the software has bugs. I recommend installing the latest version of the software using the following link:

On that page you can also check the MsgBuilder screen to see how does it look like.

Secondly, if you still have issues after this, contact the developer using the following form:

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